Artist Statement


My goal is to connect to the viewer through painted images that capture the eye and move the spirit. I work with oils and focus on capturing the peace, spirit, and hidden power of ever changing landscapes.


I started painting over thirty years ago and participated in local shows with a group of artists who met regularly at my home. Over the years, self-employment as a furniture and kitchen designer has kept my observation and design skills keen, my creations were three dimensional but painting was reserved for scarce spare time. In 2010, I re-connected to painting and the results showed quickly, wining the "Peoples Choice Award" at the Agnes Jamieson Gallery in Minden. Since then I have participated in juried, solo and group shows as well as the Scugog Studio Tour in May and the Tour de Forest in Haliburton.

Boathouse studio is in Carnarvon, ON in Haliburton County and I can often can be found en plein air painting the rugged beauty found there. I thoroughly enjoy sharing my love for painting by teaching at Meta 4 Gallery in Port Perry and Peterborough, and at the Boathouse Studio.








Blog Options

Blog Sidebar - determines the position / display of the sidebar within the blog.

Blog Sidebar Width - controls the width of the sidebar on the blog list and item view.

Blog Sidebar Padding - select the amount of space between the sidebar and the main content areas.


Blog Post Spacing - sets the amount of spacing between each blog post on the list view.

Blog Meta Data Color - sets the color used on article meta data (date, comment, like & share).

Gallery Options

Gallery Style - determines whether slideshow images fill all available space or fit to the window with no cropping.

Gallery Padding - set the amount of space along the top right and bottom side of the slideshow display.

Enable Gallery Thumbnails - displays a 'Show Thumbnails' option in gallery navigation. 

Initial Gallery View - sets the initial view of the gallery to slideshow or thumbnails.

Gallery Controls - choose from three styles of slideshow controls or hide them completely.


Gallery Control Text - control the font typeface, style, line-height, transform and letter spacing properties of the gallery controls font.

Gallery Controls Size - set the size of the font used for gallery controls.

Gallery Controls Color - choose the color used for gallery control links.

Gallery Controls (Active) - choose the color used for the active slide control.


Product Styles

Product Background Color - sets the color behind the product image.

Product Overlay Color - sets the color of the overlay when product list titles are set to 'overlay.'

Products Per Row - determines the number of products shown per line on the product list.

Product List Titles - controls the position of the product title on the product list.

Product List Alignment - sets the text alignment of the product title on the product list.

Product Item Size - select an image ratio for the product photo on the product list.

Product Image Auto Crop - determines whether product images fill the image area or fit within.

Product Gallery Size - select an image ratio for the product gallery on the product item page.

Product Gallery Auto Crop - determines whether product images fill the gallery area or fit within.

Show Product Price - shows the price on the product list page when enabled.

Show Product Item Nav - shows the 'back to shop' link on the product item page.

Social Link Options

Hide Social Links - turn off template specific (non-social link block) social icon links.